Environmental Department
Tel: (812) 522-6474 Fax: (812) 522-2916
Paul Ramsey, EHS Director
Whitney Kovener, EHS
Brian Montiel Ceja, EHS
Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularius)
Bed bugs are small, flat insects that feed on the blood of sleeping people and animals. They are reddish-brown in color, wingless, and 1/16 to about 1/4 of an inch long. Bed bugs can live more than a year without feeding. However, they do not transmit disease to people. They hide in dark places, easily spread from one location to another, and can "hitch a ride" on clothing, backpacks, luggage and furniture. If you suspect you have bed bugs, collect one or more and have them identified by a qualified professional. If bed bugs are confirmed, call a pest management professional.

Jackson County Code Chapter 46 was written to establish minimum public health standards governing the condition and maintenance of dwellings and premises for let (rent), either occupied or vacant. The code established minimum standards for supplied utilities, sanitary facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to make a dwelling safe, sanitary, and fit for human habitation. Establish standards for dwellings or premises either vacant or occupied and the inspection of those dwelling or premises for compliance with Chapter 46. This includes, houses, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, motel/hotels and rooming houses that are for rent.
Should you have a problem or concern with your rental, you may contact the Jackson County Health Department to file a complaint. All complaints must include the following: Address of Complaint: Owner of the property, name, address, and phone number. The Occupant of Property: name, address, and phone number. Reported by: name, address, and phone number.
What condition(s) you are concerned about or having a problem with.


Caution: Lead is still around. Many homes built before 1978 have
lead-based paint. The federal government banned lead-based paint
from housing in 1978. Lead can be found in homes in the city, country,
or suburbs. In apartments, single-family homes, and both private and
public housing. Inside and outside of the house. In soil around a home.
(Soil can pick up lead from exterior paint or other sources such as past
use of leaded gas in cars.)
Lead-based paint is usually not a hazard if it is in good condition, and it is
not on an impact or friction surface, like a window sashes and sills,
door jams and stair treads.
Lead from Paint, Dust, and Soil Can Be Dangerous If Not Managed Properly
FACT: Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even before
they are born.
FACT: Even children who seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
FACT: People can get lead in their bodies by breathing or swallowing lead dust,
or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead.
FACT: People have many options for reducing lead hazards. In most cases,
lead-based paint that is in good condition is not a hazard.
FACT: Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.
If you live in a home or an apartment that was built before 1978. Get your young children tested for lead, even if they seem healthy. Lead is even more dangerous to children under the age of 6: At this age children’s brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead. Children’s growing bodies absorb more lead. babies and young children often put their hands and other objects in their mouths. These objects can have lead dust on them.
Lead is also dangerous to women of childbearing age.
There is also another lead hazard that most of us don’t think about. Re-purposing old items, like windows, doors, furniture, toys and on and on. Any item you plan on salvaging and re-purposing you should check for lead. This can be done simply by going to your local paint, hardware or building supply store and purchase a lead testing kit. They are easy to use and can give quick results and as always follow the label directions.
Some advice is to check your shopping treasures for lead before you bring them in the house. if the item has chipping, peeling or loose paint. If that paint is lead based and it gets in the hands of a child more than likely it will end up in their mouth and in their blood. So, for you and your children’s sake be mindful of those old treasures you bring home the could be a lead hazard
Pools & Bathing Beaches
Any swimming pools other than those serving single-family dwellings are considered public swimming pools. These include schools, hotels, apartments, or condominiums.
Public swimming pools within Jackson County are inspected and weekly water quality testing is monitored by the Health Department. The inspections are based on State statutes and are performed to ensure that acceptable water quality and safe facilities are maintained thus lessening the chance of disease transmission or injury. Anyone needing information on pool codes or becoming a Certified Pool / Spa Operator, click on the link below:

Sharps Disposal Program
The Jackson County Health Department (JCHD) in cooperation with the Jackson County Solid Waste Management District has established a
“Sharps Disposal Program” to keep medical sharps out of the daily trash and landfill for the overall safety of all Jackson County citizens.
The program will work as follows:
Jackson County residents may, upon request, receive individual sharps disposal containers and/or needle clips along with education regarding proper safety measures and the use of needle clippers.
Full containers may be returned and exchanged for a new container at the Health Department Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
The Jackson County Health Department and the Jackson County Solid Waste Management District are pleased to sponsor this program to help make Jackson County a safer place to live and work.
This program will be in effect as long as funding is available through the Jackson County Solid Waste Management District.

Water Testing
The Jackson County Health Department has the ability to test private well water for Coliform bacteria and E-coli.
Services offered:
Private well self-test for home owners
On-site sampling by a representative of the JCHD for real estate transfers or private well
For more information, contact us at (812) 522-6474

Certified Labs in our area for further testing